Friday, March 18, 2011

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Preview: Mitzah Dior Make Up Collection of Japan

news from Dior Make-up: to pick up a mini-spring collection for Dior, Mitzah collection, the French fashion house has decided to dedicate Mitzah Bricard.

Who is the lady behind this fascinating name, which has had the honor of being the inspiration for a collection of make-up? Di is a chiccosissima French lady, friend, collaborator and muse Monsieur Dior himself, who was well known in the company of Paris for its elegance, the passion for animal and for diaphanous complexion and fiery red lips , two hallmarks of her look.

An unconventional woman innovative and elegant at the same time.

's collection, strictly limited edition , due out in Italy on April 1 , exclusively at Rinascente in Piazza Duomo in Milan .
- Enamels Le Vernis, new nuances Ebony Camel 912 and 622 (€ 22 each).

- Mitzah Eye Palette (€ 88):

In this case, I show that through palette photos taken by me, since I had the honor to receive it for free and preview by Dior. Do not tell you the honor of having my hands, I continue to admire and wonder if I will ever have the courage to use it. is so beautiful ...

So, do you think? I contains barely the happiness you have received this exclusive collector's item, and I think I fionderò to buy enamel Camel ...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pregnancy Implantation Bleeding

Catechist responsible

responsible for a catechist!

Written by Silvia Bartoletti published by Catechisti.puntozero

Chosen / a among many for a commitment not for everyone

The parish catechesis Chargé you have chosen among many for a commitment not for everyone, for a commitment that we will honor before the community and ask a burden, a series of performance of duties ...

for a year ... every Saturday ...

will not be a matter of two hours, not a single passive participation in a meeting, but an active series of meetings that you will see "operator" of 60 minutes, very important. In addition, the duration of the period of nine months will be a dozen Saturdays and maybe more than a year. That is why it is essential to be a presence, a personality, a professional in your work!

not a worker in a factory boxes ...

The seriousness with which every catechist must relate is essential for working with children, with people. You are not a worker who works in an assembly line of cases. If you distracted, if reckless, unfit to bear the consequences if a case is poorly fitted, badly finished with the zipper, but if the irresponsible, unfit to be a teacher, a catechist to come out badly finished, the boys will be ruined will be open to companies with misconceptions and unfounded, with characters rude and a poor cultural and spiritual. Think of your creations!

Children need the word of the catechist

Perhaps never before has the company rejects and denies all that is moral, ethics and education. And today as never before children are bombarded with messages of hate, violence, immorality, and real dirt for the soul. Lack the word that saves, two aspects are so important to life: the values \u200b\u200band virtues. Although alone, even if speaking a language unknown to them, not grow weary, do not EVER be ashamed to bring a dignified life in search of true goodness, true happiness and the discovery of these treasures, the backbone of human existence.

A guide to their growth

What would be nice if each of the children entrusted to it, I catechist, was the model, the guide to follow! As would be nice if the catechist was exemplary Christian life and goodness! The recipients of our work are kids who are growing and will go to form and character. Should be encouraged to point out the way in which they set out and not be afraid to condemn and denounce all that is evil and harmful. We will remember our warnings!

What to teach??
many doubts, so many doubts about the topics! Maybe because we cater for pupils in catechism we have not committed enough, or perhaps because who was the head has not always done his duty. But now we need to conduct a one hour lesson and to teach different concepts.

Why do you come to catechism

There is just that time of the catechism on the agenda of the week ... jars may be replaced by a game at Play Station, a soccer coach or a party with friends, and yet ... The boys invaded by thousands of commitments and a thousand other concerns considered the meeting a waste of time Saturday afternoon, the last wagon wheel that does not matter, an obligation absurd and stupid! Must be catechists to explain the importance of Christian education, spiritual and cultural heritage and should be through with parents often just nervous because they had to accompany them by car. Has to reawaken the passion for catechesis!

2. Make Jesus

may know little or nothing of the Messiah. Yet he came into the world to share our human nature, to show what is salvation, to reveal the merciful love of God, the Father of all men and to die on the cross for the salvation of everyone. In the past it was the family, the school to talk about him to the small and now no one dares or more you remember. Must be catechists to make it important again, to convey the greatness of his coming and his work and pretend that every guy knows his life.

3.Portare the boys to an intimate friendship with Jesus

After you know the heroic, the splendor and magnificence of Jesus here is that the catechist is called to bring every child to the Messiah as a source for waves pure, fresh water springs, can drink and draw on him with joy. The catechist must bring the child to a filial relationship, friendship, intimate, profound and sincere person who loves above all. The young man must cling to Jesus with confidence and keep this balance in connection with a string very good and strong ... also no longer have to break away from him, but to live in harmony by putting the His Word at the center of their existence. Only then will the catechist successfully carried out its task ... and only if the catechist, for one, understood and acted on that. It must be the reflection of this reality!

4. "I came because joy is in you ..."

The catechist must point out this fact: Jesus came into the world because the joy is in us and our joy may be full. Without God we can not do anything. Alone we are only capable of hatred, violence, persecution, injustice and death. But God elevates and perfects our hearts and invites us to build a civilization of peace, love, peace and peaceful coexistence ("love one another as I have loved you"). The catechist must be well aware that the kids that are convinced that life without God is a misery, failure and a waste of time. Consolation that if the children entrusted to understand this!

5.Click understand that the experience of the Church is something beautiful

many today despise the Church, the parish communities. Yet those who take care of the sick is the Church, so for drug addicts, immigrants, and so the third world. The catechist must show children the positive and beauty of an authentic life within the Church. Eucharistic celebrations and take part animated, educational meetings, active speakers and sparkling joyful screams of children, the sick and poor relief and help, a fraternal atmosphere within the parish and happiness ... these are the characteristics of these environments and a real community! All resulting from a union with Jesus, the first fruits and teacher of the Church. The catechist must invite the children to work together to achieve this at home!

6. Prayer and Holy Mass

two points on which I insist must be prayer and Holy Mass. But not enough to tell them: "Tomorrow everyone to Mass," but carefully explain the meaning of the sacraments, prayer, used to doing part of their youth and once you understand the importance of them to participate in celebrations and hand them some food or means to pray.

7. It is the concepts and doctrine of the Christian Church

All, however, must be complemented by a careful analysis of the Christian reality ... the fundamentals of the law, the moral to the story, Over the years, ensuring a wide and comprehensive overview of all Christian religious culture. The catechist must prepare carefully and explain in more interesting and easier to understand the arguments. Why not check out the guys we have learned??

The catechism, however, is not a game, one hour of fun or a waste of time. The catechist calls with due severity of need and order, education, study and good will. Do not be afraid to get in trouble and make things right. This leisure and laugh, but when it's time we put the poles and there is a requirement to give lessons!

; -------------------------------------------------- -

this simple and clear exposition of the catechist responsible. I believe that every catechist would be as described in this post, but often not the case and does not depend only catechist. Unfortunately, in most parishes and catechists are left to themselves, to their own initiative, without a precise plan, without adequate training, without the support of the pastor to explain the true meaning of the topic (Word) and a methodology that could reach every child, according to age in order to "cling to Jesus" and "live in the fullness of joy."

Catechists have the courage to seek and obtain the assistance of the priest, the guide, a program of the year, equipment and books to improve their preparation time.

catechists also form a group, a small community in their local church, which is salt to make it tasty and light boys to open their eyes and fill them with wonder and joy, lit.

I appoint a manager to refer to at any time and discuss together the problems as they arise: Do not leave anything to chance or delay.

Finally, I do not like the word "scold", but humility and patience, and use various tricks to attract attention, or the personal interview.

The parish catechists together to demand the cooperation of parents is an effort that must do if you want to achieve a safer target. Do not forget that, now more than at other times, parents are also their need for catechesis. One meeting per month beginning (sometimes together with the boys) and then begin to entice some mom or dad to participate as an aid in the hour of catechism.

for meetings with parents looking for simple arguments in order to make them talk, express themselves: the meeting is like an argument among friends who believe in God

Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Save: € 2 to the Red Cross

Japan: every word is superfluous.

What is happening leaves me speechless and terrified. I think of how much suffering you are breathing in those places.

Among the many initiatives in support of the Japanese population, I chose to give my contribution through this initiative Red Cross.

From the site of the Red Cross:
Following the terrible earthquake that devastated Japan, the Italian Red Cross has opened a fundraiser to support the populations affected by earthquake and tsunami.
To donate € 2 to the Italian Red Cross "Emergency Japan Pro" you can send an SMS phones from TIM, Vodafone, Wind, 3, CoopVoce, Tiscali landline or Telecom, Infostrada, Fastweb, and TeleTu Tiscali to the number 45500.

The CRI opened a fundraiser in support of the population affected by the earthquake and tsunami. The contributions from CRI will be used to support the activities of the Japanese Red Cross assistance for people affected, in close collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
addition to sending an SMS , other ways to donate:

  • Donate online at - cause "Emergency Pro Japan ";
  • Bank - cause" emergency Japan Pro " - IBAN: IT 19 P 01 005 03 382 000 000 200 208
  • Postal account No. 300004 payable to: "Italian Red Cross, Via Toscana 12-00187 Roma - cause" Pro Japan emergency "

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Online Scout

E 'on line number of the new Scout Sicily, mostly to the Regional Assembly on 9 and 10 April, the project head, the Jamboree and many other interesting topics.
to taste it in preview, waiting for him early in his hands on paper, read it here .
Good reading.

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Tested for you: Extra Pure Ialuronic Engagement

You may have already read somewhere among these pages, my passion for treatments based facial moisturizing hyaluronic . The lightning strike happened a few years ago, thanks to the excellent Skinceuticals serum, the Hydrating B5, a moisturizing clear nectar that made my skin soft and luminous as never before then.

I used it without interruption for about a year, then decided to change treatment to avoid the addictive effect. Then came the blog, with the opportunity to try many new treatments for the face, and a renewed curiosity about skincare and the latest arrival on the market.

strength of this "love" for the unconditional Hydrating B5, you do not deny that I dealt with a very critical eye, the test of a product that I was asked by Task , Extra Pure Ialuronic . I started to use it as a treatment day about a month ago, as a complement in a serum-based Skinceuticals glycolic and salicylic acid that I am testing these days and which I will talk soon.

I would need to have "decided" moisturizing able to restore the skin after the attack of the acids mentioned above, and have not had hesitation: it was the right situation to test the cream to the hyaluronic acid of Engagement.

What a pleasure to find the feeling on the skin of a water bath based on hyaluronic acid: this cream is definitely a good treatment, very well liked by the skin of the face as demanding as mine. I really like, you absorb the wonder and perfection is his work hydration and nourishment.

Here is my review ...

Cream super- 24 hours is the ideal product for all skin types even the most sensitive . is a product with high hydrating and filling thanks to the active substances present in its formula: it acts as filler riempirughe maintaining the moisturizing effect throughout the day. It is not greasy and absorbs quickly, leaving a feeling of comfort and smoothness on the skin.
From site

Like :

- the moisturizing power : a real burst of water on your skin! Massaged to the skin over the entire face and neck is a pleasure and massage it well and distribute it in depth. The result: skin soft, moisturized and nourished.

- absorbs perfectly : the problem of hyaluronic acid-based creams that I tried to replace serum Skinceuticals, is struggling to be well absorbed by a combination skin fat as tending to my . The result was that the face remained on the polished effect that I had to try to amscherare with lots of makeup. Instead, I can comfortably use this post as cream day cream : a light massage, and here's the cream penetrates to perfection, and does not leave behind any effect, if not the feeling of softness and nutrition .

- smoothing the power here is what I like most about this cream. It makes the skin smooth and polished , acting on the tired face, and gives, when used consistently, a significant lifting effect. Of course, it is not the miracle cream that can return the splendor of 20yo (cream that does not exist!), But if like me you have the face that shows just the daily stress , then definitely worth a try.

- excellent as a base for make-up : After you apply this cream, you can immediately jump to the stage make up. In particular, you'll see how it helps in the preparation of mineral foundation: kabuki light on your face and flow more easily distribute the powder on her face.

I dislike :

- to be perfect, this cream would also contain a sunscreen . In this way, it was the city cream ideal for skin treated with acids. To remedy this lack, I stir the cream a few drops of my solar city.

overall rating: 8, without a doubt.

I find it really well, I have adopted as a day cream and intensive moisturizing treatment as the first to go skiing.

can find it in pharmacy, pharmacy, but if you have trouble finding them, the manufacturer will happy to give you an outlet closer (click here ).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Exclusive! From the set of Don Matteo Don Matteo 8

Simone Montedoro Official Fan Club has collected new and exclusive material of Simon and the other protagonists of the drama directly from the set of Don Matteo 8! Published the first pictures of Simon from the set up a page dedicated to members and visible in the "user menu" of our official website! If you are not yet registered, do so now by clicking HERE !
For photos of Pamela Saino, Pamela Saino Official Forum and photos of Jade Arena, Jade Official Arena Forum Forum after enrollment.

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Fan Fiction Contest:

At the request of some authors interested in participating in Don Matteo Fan Fiction Contest 2011, the staff of the Fan Club has decided to extend the deadline for delivery of the texts to to March 28. Beyond that date it will be impossible to send their text and we will start with the evaluation of the five best by the jury and the subsequent public vote. Recall that the top five papers will be available to anyone who wants to read them, but only the site's members will vote for them. To subscribe to our site (and thus to the Fan Club) click HERE .

To read the rules of the contest, click HERE

remind those concerned that the maximum range allowed for each word of text is from 2500 to 3000.

We warmly thank those who have sent their own writing by March 14. The jury has already started work to assess the texts already received. To all the others ... good job!

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We laughed Sicily Italy's paint business

We laughed for a serious matter and an awareness campaign organized by CIDSE and solidarity for the right to food.
is a public event and provides national distribution at stations to solidarity packages of rice, compared to a request for a minimum contribution of € 5.00.
rice, corn based feeding global and cultural symbol that is the primary food for more than half the world population. FOCSIV promotes the distribution of rice to support projects of the right to food and food sovereignty, understood as the right of everyone to be able to choose how and what to produce, in respect of the land, water, all natural resources and traditional production pattern. Not enough to ensure the livelihood of the poorest people to develop, but we need food sovereignty become a right shared by all.
For the 2011 edition of the campaign initiative will take place on 14 and 15 May. The minimum bid amount to be requested for 1 kg of rice will be 5 euro, while the share of cash flow paid to groups that organize the banquet will be 0.60 cents.
The minimum order that is sent to storage for you there shall be fixed at 120 kg. It will be distributed 120,000 pounds of rice, with locations in every region of Italy. For info click here

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"Italy's paint business is a national project Agesci that will last throughout the year and is designed for Scouts ages 11 to 16 years.
The boys will be involved in developing business throughout the Italian territory. May be "firm" service to their communities, a performance, an activity in nature ... The design and choice of activities will be accomplished through observation of the surrounding reality and of its territory, according to the aspirations, dreams and desires of young people involved.
The project objectives are:
- educating young people to face their lives and what surrounds it with the style of the project, focusing on the experience of reality through the exercise of observation, its interpretation and acting accordingly
in it - to exploit children as a resource
- visibility of businesses from all regions of the boys
- revitalize and strengthen its ties with the territory.
The contents of the project are:
- see the world and the region surrounding the boys to try to change it, living it as protagonists and not by outsiders
- and then deduct the business plan together that we want to achieve in the area and in context and decide how made through a resource assessment of children and the opportunities of the reality
- acts that create "the company" leaving a positive sign in the real world in which we live.
Children can enroll through the website .

To facilitate these companies, the foundations are willing to host national scout squadrons, but they can also give a hand to those who create businesses in other environments. The base of Massariotta is one available. For info and contacts:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Difference Between Cravat And Ascot Tie

My first Giveaway: svelatemi your beauty secret!

Just a reminder for my lovely followers

Care followers, present and future of this blog,

was far ^ _ ^ October 2010 when I gave birth to this blog, day after day I cuddled and cared for as much as possible. I want this package is the angle of your evasion, where every day you can find an idea, an inspiration, a council dedicated to your beauty.

I hope every day to make it more interesting for each of you ...

is why I wish I svelaste your "beauty secret" : a gesture, a ritual a product that you can not give up, because that's what in your opinion is more useful to make each day more beautiful, safer than you, more serene.

In this way, in addition to thanking my affectionate readers, you will get valuable information on topics that appear in the future in this corner!
Here are the rules:

- leave a comment on this post, in which want to reveal to your secret beauty secret (it is allowed only one comment per account / subscriber).

- be registered, non-anonymous, this blog, with a valid email address (and check periodically)

- be registered to my channel baby Facebook , Amelie in Beauty - The Blog Amelie ( click here), I would like to become a window on this blog.

You have time until April 12, 2011, at 23 to participate. The competition is open to those who reside in Italy.

The winners will be 2, submitted through randomly.

Here are the prizes that I put up for grabs and I will send it directly to the winners:

For the first extracted : one size format sales
by Cosmetique Active

For the second extracted : a mini almond scrub soap Occitane en Provence, along with various samples and minitaglie of face and body products.

Are you ready? Then away, do not be shy, how do you rivelatemi be beautiful every day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Tested for you: mini-reviews of two infant body Helan

These days, being a bit 'round the north of Italy for work, I had the opportunity to test the samples that were kindly sent to me by The ; Garden Arianna for me to meet some of their brands in the herbal shop online.

In particular, let me share with you my impressions on two products Helan : this will be short - reviews, rather than a review itself, but I am sure will be useful to understand if one or the other, or both, can do for you ...

fact that my readers, until March 31, will be eligible for a special discount of 10% dedicated to them (by entering the code AMELIE803 ) on all Purchases on Arianna's Garden (click here ) discount is added to other discounts already on the site.

prodottini Helan Here are two that I tried:

- Body Milk Ninfea line Secret Gardens (click here )

Velvety Moisturizing Aloe vera gel, oils, wheat germ, jojoba and grapeseed, vitamin E. A fine emulsion, spread on the skin surface to hydrate melts at depth. Light but filling because of the content in oils of wheat germ, jojoba, grapeseed and Vitamin E, real antioxidants can effectively counteract the harmful free radicals, enhanced the exceptional moisturizing power of Aloe vera gel, gives a pleasant velvet effect leaving the skin soft and silky.
From the site's Garden Arianna

Well, I can tell you about three characteristics main body of this milk:

- is very nice be applied: light, stretches out to perfection in minutes and is absorbed perfectly. Therefore ideal as a treatment after the morning shower.

- it is very moisturizing : I have used for 3 days in a row, and the skin remains soft and well nourished.

- has a very fresh and aquatic fragrance , which has a good time during the day and certainly fits the summer season coming up. The scent reminds me of a fragrance Issey Miyake that I used years ago, of which, alas, can not remember the name ...

- silky cream for the body to Rosa - The Classic Line (click here )

This cream I have chosen to match a body lotion with a scent of the rose Roger et Gallet these days I'm testing.

Hydrating Nutrient mellitus pink stain of Argan oil, sweet almond and grapeseed butter, vitamin E. Oliva
Unmatched combination formulation of wealth, power, nutritious, easy to absorb and olfactory unique personality and compelling, this precious cream is the ideal treatment for the body to an unparalleled sense of pleasure.
The nourishment mellitus rose bush, the argan oil, sweet almond and grapeseed antioxidant function, butter, olive oil and vitamin E, characterizes the regenerating activity to restore elasticity, tone and give a 'unsurpassed softness. Velvet effect of plant nutrients is aided by the presence of natural amino acids that improve the spreadability 'absorption product. Ideal for dry and sensitive.
From the website of Il Giardino di Arianna

Then, with regard to this cream:

- the scent is very classic : a rose is an ancient, important, very vintage. I do not recommend to those looking for a sparkling fragrance on your skin, rather it is suitable for young ladies good taste.

- the seal of the fragrance is excellent : Apply every morning at 7, at the end of the evening was still alive, and wrap well for my clothes.

- more full-bodied and rich the previous one, needs more time to absorb, but has very good power silky. Try to believe (and I have very dry skin on the body at this time ...)

I hope you have two interesting ideas for your body shop: I love scented creams for the body and, yes, I admit, I love always test new ones.

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The rich man of the Gospel: Don Tonino Bello

BUT ... .. Is it worth it??

Mt 19.16-22 Mk 10, 17-22 Lk 18.18-23

A man approaches Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, and asks the question "What do I do to inherit eternal life? ".

It appears, therefore, as a person concerned about the "doing". Behind this question lies a certain person of their own means, which has to be able to "conquer" the eternal life with their ingenuity. To "own": the verb indicates the pretense of buying, to conquer and then to have secure, life. You feel in control. Already has his plans and wants to be confirmed.

answer Jesus corrects the statement: "If thou wilt enter into life keep the commandments." Life is offered to us by God, so it is to be welcomed as a gift, not to conquer and possess.
The young face of claims of Jesus, and made you feel, sometimes, almsgiving and other pious practices. Not satisfied, ends up getting into trouble, "What lack I yet?".

Now Jesus can ask the leap, the person who is hungry for something more: "If thou wilt be perfect" throw your life away. Do not try to possess it, storing it for you. The lose. How and why throw it all away? "You will have treasure in heaven."

"Having heard the word, the young man went away sad." This young man, too attached to his things, his world, his habits, his image in front of others, can not bring himself to leave everything and to trust the word of Jesus "If he goes sad." Why? Because it was discovered slave of things, and judged by others, because it recognizes to be possessed by so many things that can not give up. She knows not to be authentic, not to be true.
Maybe hear Jesus say: "I understand you and respect you, because you want to do great things in life, you are not happy, you want more, it is a good thing, but for now you can not do otherwise, because your treasure is there and you can not change, by itself, the place where your treasure. "

Seeking Freedom! Free to love!

Let's keep in mind: free men are men bound. Free men are the men who have freed themselves from slavery to some bind to something, someone. Freedom is in membership. Never forget, the free man is not disconnected from everything, that's just a poor man, carried by the wind. The man should hang.
Freedom, says the Gospel of John, is the result of Truth binds you to the truth, obey the truth. St. Paul says that freedom is slavery in love. So you must have an ideal to which belong: cercatevelo this ideal!

not enough to free themselves from slavery! Ultimately, it is easy to get rid of slavery, the harder it is to manage freedom: once you have conquered the need to orient, to submit something.
If you want to make career compromises, but if you tell the truth, feel the joy. The world is a liar, but you must have courage, the courage of truth. There are too many opportunists, racks. For the triumph of the Kingdom of God is thinking about him, with his Truth. However, this road is really the way of life is a hundredfold. You left out your hypocrisy, your insecurities .... but you a hundredfold!

How to be sure? Try it, you risk! Do not want to risk? Patience, do not expect a hundredfold, do not complain if your life is empty. If only the fill of junk, you just junk, if based on the power do not complain when it is not.
But which way? It 'requires a decision, it is a way insecure, discouraged by parents who frustrate the search for security up to frustration.

"Jesus looked at him and loved him look" (Mark 10:21)
With his eyes Jesus says: " I love you, I'm worried about you, about you awake, you lose all your misery. I know all your riches, which are many, but with all the power of my being, my eyes and my heart enfold you. " But the young man believed in the eyes of Jesus

Telling someone "I love you", means become very vulnerable. That is the language of love is so fragile. We proceed step by step, without haste, because the other has no fear. Love means slowly tamed. But Jesus immediately in this state of vulnerability. When you love you get very poor, very small, since it can be injured if the other does not accept the communion that we want to offer. So Jesus did: he offers something of value, its intimacy, so hard that you need more. But the rich young man has escaped the eyes of Jesus, who offered him a treasure.

Love is defeated, but you can live a love stronger than defeat: this is very nice, but is a risk. Sure, love can be frightening. Loving you attach to a person and if he betrays me, is not? So you're afraid, you open yourself up instead of close and it's like to die. The fear of love is fear of death, because you risk everything themselves, with a definitive certainty sometimes no way out. Life triumphs over death, love conquers death.

But Jesus invites others to follow by dropping all that was only the introduction to life and fullness of life. What are you to now what you did the other parents, educators, friends ..... and so on. Now, if you want your life fully appropriate and record the values \u200b\u200bthat count forever and absolutely, creating, sure, leave everything, give thanks and come with me.

A hug too tight. So it is too! "I had no intention to make a leap like that. I thought you kept the speech of my parents, my teachers ..... you care about my well ..... Why give up everything! We can not come to an agreement: to have a life of value without giving up anything. I like your word is for me one of the many rich ....".

The call of Jesus is the yardstick to measure the goodness of my journey that has allowed me to come to Him must change perspective. At the end Jesus will say what needs to happen: everything is possible with God The jump Quality is determined by the overcoming of that leadership and that sense of sufficiency, which has allowed me to go to him alone but does not allow me to go with him. After searching, called "good" you make me willing to let me fix, make, love, call.

... ... But it's worth it?

my life can not be a question, has become an answer!
Don Tonino Bello

We can also ask how often Jesus told us, with true faith and trust, but the answer we will change your life depends only on our freedom. It 's our way of life.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Signaling: Multiple Personalities on Blog Giveaway literary

I must point out with pleasure I also participate in a giveaway Blog Goddess, Multiple Personality ( click here).

I really liked the theme which was inspired by Goddess: invites us to quote a phrase from the book that we liked more. I chose a "book" that I really loved my time in high school: The Comedy of Dante , which for most students is a brick boring, but I have discovered in a "light! " Letters from a talented teacher, who taught us to read it in a real way.

Dante writes a few pages of pure actuality, even in 2011, and expresses pure poetry: in particular, I chose to mention the beautiful passage from the Book V of the Inferno, which tells the love story between Paolo and Francesca, the most famous lovers of literary history.

These lines, in particular, tell of when the two kissed the first time, reading a book that told the story of love between Lancelot and Guinevere

"When we read how the desired smile was kissed by such a lover

Those who ne'er from me shall be divided
kissed my mouth all trembling
Jailbird was he who wrote the book and
That day will not read therein,"

I invite you to participate in this giveaway: thanks for this wonderful initiative Goddess!

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Preview: Nu Lancôme Absolu

I have delighted yesterday with the promo video of the new advertising campaign for Lancôme starring a radiant Kate Winslet and hyper-feminine (and beautifully curvy).

The British actress has lent her face, and body of the camera to represent a new line of lipstick, Nu Absolu, which proposes to bring out the maximum brightness of the lips thanks to its components and its innovative textures.

new pigments, new soft texture and the exceptional moisturizing power (see ...), new fragrance (it seems that a spread delicious scent) and brand new shades.

In particular, I think the really interesting features of the range of colors: in fact, the shades are divided into three families color depending on the shade of your natural lip , in order to enhance the the maximum as possible to the natural splendor.

is between them (beautiful, in my opinion) you can choose shades:

- clear lip :

303 101
Caresse Rose Corail Evanescent
203 Beige 202 Beige Tulle feutre

- medium pigmented lips

Voile de Rose
302 301 201
Subtil Rose Beige de Soie
102 Nu Rouge

- intensely pigmented lips

304 Rose Beige Charnel
205 204 103 Sienne Poudrée
Rouge Mousseline

expect to find clearer pictures of this new line, but they are already Of course I will direct pigmentat average range on the lips, in particular that Subtil Rose does not seem bad at all.

in France are already on sale in the boutique online Lancome, someone there has already emerged also in our country?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Camelbak Other Liquids

Maybe it happened to you, or not?


"On the pages of an old book from the library of the monastery, two monks had read that there is a place on the edge of the world, where heaven and Earth meet. They decided to leave and promised to look to themselves to not go back until they had found. They crossed the world, escaped to many dangers, endured all the terrible privations and sacrifices involved a pilgrimage to all corners of the earth. There was no lack even the thousands of seductive temptations that may distract a man from achieving his goal. Surpasses them all. They knew that they were looking at the place they found a door was enough to knock and they would be face to face with God they found the door. Wasting no time, with my heart in my throat, knock. Slowly the door swung open. I am anxious that the two monks went e. .. were found in their cell in their monastery. "

The place where heaven and Earth meet was their way of life and they do not realize they were. God was there, was their cellmate but their eyes see they did not know. And, not knowing how to see, had not seen him even in moments of great joy or great pain in those. But it was there, there with their e. .. he even cried with them. I love the image of the Lord who is able to laugh and cry. Who does not cry for you loves you not. He knows that, at times, suffering is necessary. But he knows that our small minds and our little heart can not understand and so suffers with us, suffers for us.

published by

Death Annivesary Cards

still two weeks behind that door ... Don Matteo

Our Pamela Saino sent us the first exclusive photos from the set of Don Matteo 8! Who is behind that door?

Thanks to Pamela Saino Official Forum!

How To Delete Saved Files From Vuze

new spot with a beautiful Lancôme Kate Winslet!

Yes, I admit, I love Kate, and I'm not talking about the Moss!

Mrs. Kate Winslet was the first romantic heroine of my youth, at the time of Titanic. Now, more and more beautiful, more feminine, millemilioni miles away from the glam-prototype androgynous femme, blonde and looking for mullet in foil, is the ' Egerie the new campaign Lancôme .

Kate, portrayed by Mario Testino , wearing the perfect lipstick new line of French fashion house, the 'Absolu Nu , in creating new find on this blog tomorrow a detailed description.

Yes, I confess, in this case are a slave to advertising, only to see the beauty of this spot made me me want to grab one of these creations.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Indian Women Boobs With Saree

Area Committee in Trabia

ricordimao that you will meet Friday, March 18, at 21:00, at the headquarters of a group Trabia, the Committee expanded the Zone, with a view to drawing up the new project area and to monitor the activities of branches.

Rino V Holo Plan Locations

Peace goes ... Marcia traveled

Palermo Thursday, March 10 will pass through the caravan "Peace ... be traveled," Running a caravan which, from north to south, across the whole of Italy and will be fitted within 100 steps to March 21, Day memory and commitment to remember the victims of the Mafia, by merging the celebrations of the Unity of Italy on the occasion of the 150th anniversary, the issues of clean sport against doping and illegal. For info click here